Nigeria Would Have Been Our Pride

- This flag,
- Our Anthem,
- Our Pledge…
Together, they would have been our pride. Unfortunately, it’s our greatest misery, a necessary evil that we the youth seek constantly and vehemently to be dissociated from.
Our waking thoughts, dreams and aspirations are to escape the quagmire that has befallen the country. We dream of another land, another citizenship, another option. Not because we want more than is dew any human, no not that we are greedy and ask for much, not at all. All we want are necessities of life, infrastructure, and good governance. But the power that is has chosen to play politics with all and prioritize the selfish interest above national interest. This put us the populace at the politician’s mercy.
This is a write-up to add to the mirage of voices that claim nothing is worth celebrating about the 59 years of Nigeria. Nothing works, all are in shambles, despondency and in-operability.
I recollect dreaming as a young boy about the world of possibilities, unbounded and equal. While I understand my dream as a young boy may be overly optimistic, it can be added as well that Nigeria has inadvertently reduced the probability of succeeding even at the most mundane things. Life is just hard being a Nigerian.
- We get denied opportunities simply for being a Nigerian
- We get our dreams limited because we are Nigerian
- We spend a lot to escape Nigeria
Oh! Nigeria you have failed us. You have failed the generation you dreamt of blessing. You have disappointed the generation you promised a glorious future assured prosperity.
One of the poignant lessons from the movie Odyssey was when Poseidon said to Odyssey…
“The gods will not do for man what man must do for himself”
I believe the same message needs to be reiterated in the ears of Nigerians and probably printed on every banner that is on the country. Our solutions lie in our hands and no amount of prayers or otherwise will cause a miracle from wherever it is desired to change Nigeria.
We must solve our problems ourselves and not looking up to anywhere for the solution.
Nigeria you have failed us, yes, but we know one thing, if history will be corrected, the correction lies in our hands.