
Why I Write

I think the real title should be a few reasons why I write. But don’t worry about that, let’s just get into this. I write primarily because something lingers in my mind and craves expression. I don’t often have the right words before I start to write that usually comes as I face the blank […]


The Arc of the World Bent In 2020

These are my reflections on the transformative year of 2020 The world shifted in an indescribable way in 2020, and its significance will continue to unravel for decades to come. It’s impossible for any individual to fully comprehend the profound changes that occurred. Nevertheless, I’ll do my best to articulate some of the things that […]


On Crypto, This Time Is Different

When the crypto market started plummeting earlier this year, I and together with a host of others (I believe) thought that it was just one of those short-term market pullbacks. In fact, I remember vividly how the laser-eyed team of Bitcoin ran pools to ask if people still believe we will see Bitcoin at $100k. […]