
Stop Self-Rejecting And Take The Leap

I shared 5 important lessons of the year in the last newsletter. I left one out which I will quickly talk about now.

Never self-reject. Never!!!

And I am guilty of this just as much as any other person might. But I’ve learnt to take leaps despite my feeling of “not enough”.

Let me remind you of my story.

In 2018 as I wrapping up my NYSC, PwC job application came out. I chose not to apply and self rejected myself because I thought I am not good enough to work at PwC. A friend encouraged me to apply and I did. I didn’t only get the job, I was a top performer all of my time with the firm.

Since I joined PwC, I determined to leave in 2021. I believed I would have had enough. When the time came, I chose not to apply for some opportunities because I thought I wasn’t qualified. I later took a leap of faith and applied to my surprise, my assessors believed I am qualified and I got 2 job offers in that period. And I took the job offer from London.

It’s so easy to self-reject. That feeling of inadequacy, I’m not enough and it’s not for my type hunts a lot of us.

But I am here today to tell you to start perishing that thought. You are enough, in fact, more than enough. And if anyone would tell you that you are not enough for an opportunity, let that person better not be you. Let it come from an external party. And when it comes, don’t believe it. They just can’t see how enough you are yet.

I interviewed with Dangote in 2020. The interview was before GMDs of about 5 units. In the middle of the interview, the head of HR had to stop and ask about my age. I told them and she responded, “you are a brilliant young man”.

I didn’t get the job because of some obvious reasons but that was a real confidence booster for me. I became a “friend” with the GMD of the unit that wanted to recruit me. Sometimes, that’s what you gain from some interviews, a confidence booster. But if I’d rejected myself, that also won’t be there.

As you go into 2022, it is extremely important that you have this idea at the back of your mind. The idea is that you will never self-reject yourself for any opportunity again.

You must also do your work. Never be found wanting. Be diligent. Whatever and I mean “whatever” your hand finds to do, do it with all your might whether someone is watching or not. And most importantly when no one is watching. If you’ve done so, you will have more self-confidence and self-respect and it will be difficult to self-reject.