Nearly everyone has an interesting idea in their head. And we willl all like it better if we can generate more ideas, develop more solutions and become more creative. The path to that however, usually involves freeing up the brain’s capacity to operate at an optimum level. But not everyone is ready to do the […]
Often, we ask others for their honest assessment of us. That’s noble and good as well. However, we are often the best judge of ourselves if we do enough retrospection. We are the only one that knows the truth about what we are doing, what we are thinking and who we are (including when no […]
Let me share something I learned from Gary Vaynerchuk (Vee) that I can’t seem to get off my head with you. Never go about life aiming to win 10 of 10 attempts. Rather, go about life to win 40 of 100 attempts. The secret here is more attempts, more shots, more iteration. The former person […]
One of the most important lessons I will be taking away from my 20s will be “just keep showing up” As the common saying goes, “if you stay long enough at a barbershop, you will soon get your haircut.” Nearly all the good things that we desire in life require us to just keep showing […]
This is a personal story. But I have also spoken to a lot of people enough to know I’m not alone in the boat. That’s why I’m sharing my personal story. To help at least one person out there. When I joined PwC a few years ago, it was only a matter of time before […]
My steps have been ordered to discover some secrets of the universe. I have applied them, watched others apply them and I have seen them always work. Well, they aren’t much of a secret because they all lie in plain sight. A lot of people struggle with the question of what they should do. I […]
Before we talk about how you can become the kind of person people are glad to know, let’s talk about something else. Do you know anyone right now and you consider it a blessing to know that person? Why would you consider it so? Probably because the person is helpful to you.Probably because the person […]
The first time I heard about this idea was from a Ted talk titled “the paradox of choice“. Over the years, I’ve observed the idea to be not only true but also permeating. I’ve been meaning to work on a project now but not even started it let alone complete it. Why? Because I have […]
You can’t blackmail God with anything. Not with your fasting, or with your tears or with your loud voice. None! None is enough to blackmail to act according to your wishes. God only responds to data. Yes, DATA. Did you sow? Then you can reap. Did you harvest? Then you can eat. Are you diligent? […]
Permission sounds good and the rhetoric behind it, plus the idea of perception management in a given environment may push you to favour permission above forgiveness. Permission says, get their opinion before you break the rule to follow your passion. Forgiveness says, break the rules, and if need be, in the end, ask for permission. […]